All ages and all kinds of families are welcome!

Kids &


All ages and all kinds are welcome!


At St. James, we serve all children, youth, young adults, and all understandings of family. 


At St. James, we seek to find a common place where all members—regardless of history, affiliation, experience, or profession, can find and foster a relationship with God in community. Our family events and ministries are to be a place where anyone can experience loving relationship with our church through meaningful gatherings of work and play. 

Families & Children

As a multi-generational church, we celebrate the gift of faith through worship, in conversation, through learning, in fellowship, and in service. 




What we’re learning this month in Kids’ Church

Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” Matthew 19:13–14 (NIV)


Hello, St. James’ friends! We hope you are having a fantastic, safe, and lovely summer so far. In the verses above, Jesus shows what he thinks about children. He loves them, and he wants them to be with him. So much so, that Jesus got upset with his disciples when they tried to keep the children from coming to him. Jesus went as far as to say that if grownups were going to come to him, they had to come like children—trusting his love. Jesus thinks you are super special. There is no one like you. He created so that you could know him. Jesus died on the cross and arose from the grave so that you could know him and experience his love.

Jesus is not the only one who loves children and wants to be with them—we do, too. As well as your church family. It has been a while since we have seen some of you. We want to spend some time with you. We are going to do more fun stuff this summer and we hope to see you all soon!


Ms. Krishen and Miss Araceli


• July 7th: Under the Sea

• July 14th: Music Party/Board Games

• July 21st: Friendship Kabob

• July 28th: Olympics Sunday