Serving Our Local, National, And Global Communities



Serving Our Local, National, and Global Communities

Our Mission & Vision

At St. James, our mission is to create a transformational church for the digital age. St. James embraces Christ’s teachings as a way of life, and is an inclusive, relevant, and dynamic spiritual community whose mission is spreading the Gospel to the world.  


God has called us to serve those in need in our local, national and global communities. At St. James, we are committed to accomplishing this by reaching out to the underserved with compassion and action in the way of Christ.  

Working Together to Help Others

Local Outreach

St. James regularly sends volunteer teams to the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen in Costa Mesa, which provides a daily nutritional meal to homeless, unemployed, working poor families, senior citizens, the unemployed or under-employed, the mentally and physically challenged and most importantly, to children.

Local Outreach

National Outreach

Rolling Robots brings their STEM and robotics camp for kids 5–12 to St. James on a regular basis. They’ve got state-of-the-art equipment and a low campers-to-instructors ratio. Visit their website for more information on Rolling Robots and the programs they offer at:

National Outreach

Global Outreach

“Think Locally, Act Globally” is our motto as we reach beyond our borders through action in communities far from our own. In Ukraine, we are supporting people on the ground by provided needed goods and services. In the United States we are sponsoring Ukrainian refugees in shelters and those coming from overseas. For more information, please contact the St. James’ church office at:

Global Outreach

Acolyte holding collection plate at the offertory


St. James has many exciting and meaningful ways to serve the community. One opportunity is the Acolyte Ministry Team. The acolytes at St. James enthusiastically serve at the altar at all Sunday services and holy days, such as Christmas Eve and Easter. Acolytes lead the opening procession, present the Gospel Book for reading, receive the offerings from the congregation, and assist in the administration of the Holy Eucharist as needed. Acolytes receive training and are assigned to serve on a regular rotation. The acolyte ministry is open to any person age ten or older. If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact Morgan Gilbert.

Adult Education

Discovering that everyone is called to ministry, no matter what age, opens the door to endless possibilities. Through worship, study, and community we encounter the divine and grow in a spiritual life. St. James offers small-group study and fellowship programs tailored to suit your lifestyle and spiritual needs. For more info, contact admin@stjamesnewport.org

Care Team stock image

Care Team

For those in need of help—whether you’ve experienced health issues, personal crisis, abuse, addiction, loss, or pain—or you are simply searching for hope, prayer or the next right step towards healing, we welcome you. Our Care Team is a ministry of grace designed to bring hope and healing to the hurting. For more information please contact info@stjamesnewport.org

Grief Support Group image (plumeria and stones photo)

Grief Recovery Method’s Grief Support Group

An action program that moves you beyond loss, death, divorce, health, and other losses. People say you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t tell you what you need to do to accomplish that. The Grief Recovery Method’s® outreach program not only makes that possible but provides partnerships and guidance to ensure that it happens.

Contact Dana Rubin at info@LivingBeyondLoss.co

Festive flowers on Easter morning at St. James

Liturgical Environment and the Busy Bees

If you love flowers and enjoy decorating, then this is the ministry for you! St. James offers a wide variety of seasonal opportunities to embellish our entire campus with love and beauty. Our Liturgical Environment Team sets the direction for the seasons, designing easy-to-follow directions for the Busy Bees helpers. From decorating Christmas trees or arranging spring flowers for Easter morning, our team of Busy Bees make sure our house of worship is inspiring and ready for every occasion. For more information, please contact MaryAnna Jeppe.